As seen with John Williams,
composers have their go to words and phrases on soundtracks. Danny Elfman is no exception. So many of his albums contain certain key
words, it’s hard not to notice. Now of course, most of these words are not
Elfman-exclusive, but it’s more about the frequency. Here’s the rundown.
Elfman’s scores always have great opening credits music. The beginning of this list certainly reflects that.
Intro/Titles (The Frighteners, 1996)
Introduction (Mars Attacks!, 1996)
Introduction (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
The Introduction (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Introduction (Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008)
Logos/Intro (Dumbo, 2019)
Prologue (The Hulk, 2003)
The Prologue (Meet the Robinsons, 2007)
Prologue (The Wolfman, 2010)
Prologue (The Next Three Days, 2010)
Dark Shadows Prologue (Uncut) (Dark Shadows, 2012)
Logos (Red Dragon, 2002)
Logo (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Frankenweenie Disney Logo (Frankenweenie, 2012)
Logos (Promised Land, 2012)
Logos/Intro (Dumbo, 2019)
Overture/The Big Race (Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, 1985)
Overture (Back to School, 1986)
Overture (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
Intro/Titles (The Frighteners, 1996)
Titles (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Titles Revisited (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Big Fish (Titles) (Big Fish, 2003)
The Kingdom - Titles (The Kingdom, 2007)
Hellboy II Titles ( Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008 )
Taking Woodstock Titles (Taking Woodstock, 2009)
Silver Lining Titles (Silver Linings Playbook, 2012)
Main Titles (Beetlejuice, 1988)
Main Title (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
Main Titles (Midnight Run, 1988)
Main Titles (Nightbreed, 1990)
Main Titles (Darkman, 1990)
Main Titles (Dick Tracy, 1990)
Main Title (Article 99, 1992)
Main Titles (Sommersby, 1993)
Main Titles (Black Beauty, 1994)
Main Titles (To Die For, 1995)
Main Titles (Dolores Claiborne, 1995)
Main Titles (Extreme Measures, 1996)
Main Titles (Mars Attacks!, 1996)
Main Title (Flubber, 1997)
Main Titles (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
Main Title (Instinct, 1999)
Main Title (Proof of Life, 2000)
Main Titles (Planet of the Apes, 2001)
Main Titles (Red Dragon, 2002)
Main Title (Spider-Man, 2002)
Main Titles (The Hulk, 2003)
Spider-Man 2 Main Title (Spider-Man 2, 2004)
Main Titles (The Corpse Bride, 2005)
Main Titles (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Main Title (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Main Titles (Milk, 2008)
Main Titles (Reprise) (Milk, 2008)
Men in Black 3 Main Titles (Men in Black 3, 2012)
Men in Black 3 - Main Title Revisited (Men in Black 3, 2012)
Main Titles (Frankenweenie, 2012)
Introduction (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
The Introduction (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Introduction (Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008)
Logos/Intro (Dumbo, 2019)
Prologue (The Hulk, 2003)
The Prologue (Meet the Robinsons, 2007)
Prologue (The Wolfman, 2010)
Prologue (The Next Three Days, 2010)
Dark Shadows Prologue (Uncut) (Dark Shadows, 2012)
Logos (Red Dragon, 2002)
Logo (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Frankenweenie Disney Logo (Frankenweenie, 2012)
Logos (Promised Land, 2012)
Logos/Intro (Dumbo, 2019)
Overture/The Big Race (Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, 1985)
Overture (Back to School, 1986)
Overture (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
Intro/Titles (The Frighteners, 1996)
Titles (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Titles Revisited (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Big Fish (Titles) (Big Fish, 2003)
The Kingdom - Titles (The Kingdom, 2007)
Hellboy II Titles ( Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008 )
Taking Woodstock Titles (Taking Woodstock, 2009)
Silver Lining Titles (Silver Linings Playbook, 2012)
Main Titles (Beetlejuice, 1988)
Main Title (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
Main Titles (Midnight Run, 1988)
Main Titles (Nightbreed, 1990)
Main Titles (Darkman, 1990)
Main Titles (Dick Tracy, 1990)
Main Title (Article 99, 1992)
Main Titles (Sommersby, 1993)
Main Titles (Black Beauty, 1994)
Main Titles (To Die For, 1995)
Main Titles (Dolores Claiborne, 1995)
Main Titles (Extreme Measures, 1996)
Main Titles (Mars Attacks!, 1996)
Main Title (Flubber, 1997)
Main Titles (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
Main Title (Instinct, 1999)
Main Title (Proof of Life, 2000)
Main Titles (Planet of the Apes, 2001)
Main Titles (Red Dragon, 2002)
Main Title (Spider-Man, 2002)
Main Titles (The Hulk, 2003)
Spider-Man 2 Main Title (Spider-Man 2, 2004)
Main Titles (The Corpse Bride, 2005)
Main Titles (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Main Title (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Main Titles (Milk, 2008)
Main Titles (Reprise) (Milk, 2008)
Men in Black 3 Main Titles (Men in Black 3, 2012)
Men in Black 3 - Main Title Revisited (Men in Black 3, 2012)
Main Titles (Frankenweenie, 2012)
Simone's Theme (Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, 1985)
Juno's Theme (Beetlejuice, 1988)
Pee-Wee's Love Theme (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
Dorfler's Theme (Midnight Run, 1988)
The Batman Theme (Batman, 1990)
Love Theme (Batman, 1990)
Love Theme (Darkman, 1990)
Breathless' Theme (Dick Tracy, 1990)
Tess' Theme (Dick Tracy, 1990)
Love Theme (Article 99, 1992)
Suzie's Theme (To Die For, 1995)
Love Theme? (Mission: Impossible, 1996)
M.I.B Main Theme (Men in Black, 1997)
M.I.B. Closing Theme (Men in Black, 1997)
Civil Theme (A Civil Action, 1998)
Sandra's Theme (Big Fish, 2003)
Jenny's Theme (Big Fish, 2003)
Harvey's Theme (Milk, 2008)
Alice's Theme (Alice in Wonderland, 2010)
Dumbo's Theme (Dumbo, 2019)
Colette's Theme (Dumbo, 2019)
Study Montage (Back to School, 1986)
Montage (Article 99, 1992)
Jack And Sally Montage (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
Christmas Eve Montage (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
Return Montage (Sommersby, 1993)
Montage (Dead Presidents, 1995)
Costume Montage (Spider-Man, 2002)
City Montage (Spider-Man, 2002)
The Growing Montage (Big Fish, 2003)
The Fall Montage (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Pop Quiz And The Time Machine Montage (Meet the Robinsons, 2007)
Success Montage (Wanted, 2008)
The Healing Montage (The Wolfman, 2010)
The Traveling Montage (The Wolfman, 2010)
Studio Chase (Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, 1985)
Stairway Chase (Midnight Run, 1988)
The Chase (Dick Tracy, 1990)
D's Memories / Chase (Men in Black, 1997)
The Chase (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
The Chase (Men in Black 2, 2002)
The Chase (The Kingdom, 2007)
Transformation (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
Boone Transforms (Nightbreed, 1990)
Julie Transforms (Darkman, 1990)
Selina Transforms (Batman Returns, 1992)
Transformations (Spider-Man, 2002)
First Transformation (The Wolfman, 2010)
Reflection / 2nd Transformation (The Wolfman, 2010)
The Aftermath (Beetlejuice, 1988)
The Aftermath (The Hulk, 2003)
The Aftermath (The Next Three Days, 2010)
Weepy Donuts (To Die For, 1995)
Weepy Donuts (Good Will Hunting, 1998)
Weepy Donuts (Milk, 2008)
Weepy Donus (Promised Land, 2012)
Weepy Donuts (Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot, 2018)
See here for more Weepy Donuts
The Confrontation (Midnight Run, 1988)
First Confrontation (Batman, 1990)
Confrontation (Article 99, 1992)
The Final Confrontation (Batman, 1990)
The Final Confrontation (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
The Final Confrontation (Batman Returns, 1992)
The Final Confrontation (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
Final Confrontation (Spider-Man, 2002)
Final Confrontation (Terminator Salvation, 2009)
The Final Confrontation (Alice in Wonderland, 2010)
Final Confrontation (Dark Shadows, 2012)
Final Confrontation (Frankenweenie, 2012)
Epic Final Confrontation (Epic, 2013)
The Final Confrontation (Dumbo, 2019)
Finale (Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, 1985)
Big Top Finale (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
Finale (Batman, 1990)
The Grand Finale (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
Finale (Dick Tracy, 1990)
The Finale (Batman Returns, 1992)
Finale/Reprise (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
Finale (To Die For, 1995)
Finale - End Titles (Dead Presidents, 1995)
Finale (Men in Black, 1997)
The Finale (Proof of Life, 2000)
The Finale (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Finale (Big Fish, 2003)
The Finale (The Corpse Bride, 2005)
Finale (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Finale (The Kingdom, 2007)
Finale (Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008)
The Finale (The Wolfman, 2010)
Epic Finale (Epic, 2013)
The Big Finale (The Grinch, 2018)
Farewell (Nightbreed, 1990)
Farewell.... (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
Farewell (Spider-Man, 2002)
Sandra's Farewell (Big Fish, 2003)
Farewell Charlotte (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Farewell (Terminator Salvation, 2009)
Mom's Discovery/Farewell (Frankenweenie, 2012)
End Credits (Beetlejuice, 1988)
End Credits: "Try To Believe" (Midnight Run, 1988)
End Credits (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
End Credits (Nightbreed, 1990)
Final/End Credits (Darkman, 1990)
End Credits (Batman Returns, 1992)
End Credits (Black Beauty, 1994)
End Credits (Mars Attacks!, 1996)
Epilogue/End Credits (Extreme Measures, 1996)
End Credits (Flubber, 1997)
End Credit Suite (A Civil Action, 1998)
End Credits (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
End Credits (Instinct, 1999)
End Credits Suite (Red Dragon, 2002)
End Credits (Spider-Man, 2002)
End Credits (The Hulk, 2003)
End Credits Part 1 + 2 (The Corpse Bride, 2005)
End Credits Suite (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Weepy Donuts (To Die For, 1995)
Weepy Donuts (Good Will Hunting, 1998)
Weepy Donuts (Milk, 2008)
Weepy Donus (Promised Land, 2012)
Weepy Donuts (Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot, 2018)
See here for more Weepy Donuts
The Confrontation (Midnight Run, 1988)
First Confrontation (Batman, 1990)
Confrontation (Article 99, 1992)
The Final Confrontation (Batman, 1990)
The Final Confrontation (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
The Final Confrontation (Batman Returns, 1992)
The Final Confrontation (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
Final Confrontation (Spider-Man, 2002)
Final Confrontation (Terminator Salvation, 2009)
The Final Confrontation (Alice in Wonderland, 2010)
Final Confrontation (Dark Shadows, 2012)
Final Confrontation (Frankenweenie, 2012)
Epic Final Confrontation (Epic, 2013)
The Final Confrontation (Dumbo, 2019)
Finale (Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, 1985)
Big Top Finale (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
Finale (Batman, 1990)
The Grand Finale (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
Finale (Dick Tracy, 1990)
The Finale (Batman Returns, 1992)
Finale/Reprise (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
Finale (To Die For, 1995)
Finale - End Titles (Dead Presidents, 1995)
Finale (Men in Black, 1997)
The Finale (Proof of Life, 2000)
The Finale (Men in Black 2, 2002)
Finale (Big Fish, 2003)
The Finale (The Corpse Bride, 2005)
Finale (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Finale (The Kingdom, 2007)
Finale (Hellboy II: The Golden Army, 2008)
The Finale (The Wolfman, 2010)
Epic Finale (Epic, 2013)
The Big Finale (The Grinch, 2018)
Farewell (Nightbreed, 1990)
Farewell.... (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
Farewell (Spider-Man, 2002)
Sandra's Farewell (Big Fish, 2003)
Farewell Charlotte (Charlotte's Web, 2006)
Farewell (Terminator Salvation, 2009)
Mom's Discovery/Farewell (Frankenweenie, 2012)
End Credits (Beetlejuice, 1988)
End Credits: "Try To Believe" (Midnight Run, 1988)
End Credits (Big Top Pee-Wee, 1988)
End Credits (Nightbreed, 1990)
Final/End Credits (Darkman, 1990)
End Credits (Batman Returns, 1992)
End Credits (Black Beauty, 1994)
End Credits (Mars Attacks!, 1996)
Epilogue/End Credits (Extreme Measures, 1996)
End Credits (Flubber, 1997)
End Credit Suite (A Civil Action, 1998)
End Credits (Sleepy Hollow, 1999)
End Credits (Instinct, 1999)
End Credits Suite (Red Dragon, 2002)
End Credits (Spider-Man, 2002)
End Credits (The Hulk, 2003)
End Credits Part 1 + 2 (The Corpse Bride, 2005)
End Credits Suite (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
End Title (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)
End Titles (Dolores Claiborne, 1995)
Finale - End Titles (Dead Presidents, 1995)
End Titles (Big Fish, 2003)
Love Suite (Back to School, 1985)
Resurrection Suite (Nightbreed, 1990)
Ballet De Suburbia (Suite) (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
The Tide Turns (Suite) (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
Cat Suite (Batman Returns, 1992)
End Credit Suite (A Civil Action, 1998)
Anywhere But Here Score Suite (Anywhere But Here, 1999)
Ape Suite #1 (Planet of the Apes, 2001)
Ape Suite #2 (Planet of the Apes, 2001)
End Credits Suite (Red Dragon, 2002)
Spidey Suite (Spider-Man 2, 2004)
Doc Ock Suite (Spider-Man 2, 2004)
End Credits Suite (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Fraternity Suite (Wanted, 2008)
Wolf Suite, Pt. 1 (The Wolfman, 2010)
Wolf Suite, Pt. 2 (The Wolfman, 2010)
Soaring Suite (Dumbo, 2019)
End Titles (Dolores Claiborne, 1995)
Finale - End Titles (Dead Presidents, 1995)
End Titles (Big Fish, 2003)
Love Suite (Back to School, 1985)
Resurrection Suite (Nightbreed, 1990)
Ballet De Suburbia (Suite) (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
The Tide Turns (Suite) (Edward Scissorhands, 1990)
Cat Suite (Batman Returns, 1992)
End Credit Suite (A Civil Action, 1998)
Anywhere But Here Score Suite (Anywhere But Here, 1999)
Ape Suite #1 (Planet of the Apes, 2001)
Ape Suite #2 (Planet of the Apes, 2001)
End Credits Suite (Red Dragon, 2002)
Spidey Suite (Spider-Man 2, 2004)
Doc Ock Suite (Spider-Man 2, 2004)
End Credits Suite (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005)
Fraternity Suite (Wanted, 2008)
Wolf Suite, Pt. 1 (The Wolfman, 2010)
Wolf Suite, Pt. 2 (The Wolfman, 2010)
Soaring Suite (Dumbo, 2019)